Transformational 6-week Live Online Program Designed to Empower You in Radical New Ways


The Art of Embracing YOU: 

A Practical Guide to a Balanced Life of Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Acceptance for Busy Women

Coming Soon

The Art of Embracing YOU: 

A Practical Guide to a Balanced Life of Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Acceptance for Busy Women

“Inga was not only able to address physical issues but also helped me with my stress in life."
During my life coaching sessions and classes with Inga, I had huge breakthroughs. One of the insights I gained was that I need to be kind to myself and love myself. Inga is a wealth of information. I always feel at ease at our sessions and I enjoy her professionalism and her great energy. So, if you’re serious about finding work-life balance and improving your life today, Inga Tara is the person who can help you get there.
Irina Lidforss
Boston, Massachusetts

If you've often found yourself juggling the demands of work, family, and personal life, leaving little time for yourself, this is the program you want to attend.

Rediscover Your True Self and Live a Balanced Life of Confidence, Self-Love, and Self-Care

Are you yearning to cultivate more self-love but need help determining where or how to begin? Do you desire greater inner peace and acceptance in a world that feels increasingly chaotic?

This journey will empower you to break free from persistent self-doubt, embrace authentic self-love, prioritize self-care and self-acceptance. This will enable you to make confident decisions, form meaningful connections, and master the art of receiving, whether it's love, relationship, money, praise, or support.
If any of these sound familiar to you...

  • Despite having absorbed countless blog posts, Pinterest graphics, and self-help books that promise to change your life, you still haven't entirely found that sense of love and fulfillment you seek and find yourself stuck in the same cycle
  • ​As a woman, perhaps you find yourself trapped in a toxic relationship or in healing from one (We've all experienced that struggle!)
  • ​Longing to gain control over your thoughts and emotions so you can finally experience freedom, empowerment, worthiness, and balance but unsure of where to start?
  • ​Body image issues are a common struggle, and putting yourself first, prioritizing self-care, and establishing healthy boundaries may be challenging
  • ​Ready to embark on a journey of healing from your past and nurturing your inner child
  • ​If only someone could guide you, take you by the hand, and reveal just how lovable, worthy, and complete you already are
....keep on reading. I'm here to help you because I am here to remind you that you truly are all those things.
I imagine you yearn for a deeper connection with yourself and others and crave meaningful relationships, especially the ones you have with YOURSELF.
Imagine a few months from now, this is you….
  • You have a deep understanding of your worth and feel confident in both your professional and personal life
  • Your relationships have been transformed to reflect the positive changes in how you perceive yourself
  • Inner harmony emanates from within you, and the Law of Attraction aligns every aspect of your life to match your newfound vibe
  • ​Rather than being annoyed by your Inner Critic, you appreciate how it attempts to assist you
  • ​You have mastered the art of holding space for yourself and processing your emotions, allowing you to experience every feeling and be emotionally liberated
  • ​Your strong connection to your inherent value enables you to effortlessly receive abundance through money, clients, friends, love, appreciation, and blessings
These are just a FEW advantages that stem from embracing your True Self and practicing genuine self-love and self-care. This practice will genuinely enhance all the significant areas of your life, and The Art of Embracing YOU is the key to achieving this transformation.


'The Art of Embracing YOU' Program

Your Practical Guide to a Balanced Life of Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Acceptance

A transformative live 6-week program that will guide you through powerful self-exploration and self-love practices designed to facilitate healing, personal growth, and a remarkable elevation in every aspect of your life (from the inside out)! It's not just about understanding the concept; it's about taking actionable steps towards a happier, more balanced life.

The Benefits Await

The benefits of this course extend far beyond the six weeks. 
By embracing yourself fully, you will:

  • Experience profound self-discovery
  • Reclaim your time and establish healthy boundaries
  • Boost your self-esteem and feel valuable and worthy
  • ​Develop a positive mindset, appreciate the present moment, and cultivate a positive outlook on your experiences
  • ​Radiate a newfound inner radiance and positivity as your inner sense of contentment and fulfillment becomes evident to people around you
  • ​Learn to prioritize self-care without guilt
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships, starting with yourself
  • ​Gain inspiration for pursuing your desires
  • Acquire relaxation, meditation, and stress management tools to reduce stress and enhance mental comfort
  • ​Become more focused, creative, and driven as your increased self-confidence will lead to enhanced leadership skills and more meaningful business decisions
“Since I’ve been going to Inga and attending her classes, my life has greatly improved. I’m learning how to let go of many different emotions to forgive, love myself, set boundaries, and not be a People Pleaser."
I highly recommend you give Inga a try for any issues you may be struggling with. You’ll be stronger and well-equipped to take on any challenge that life presents you. Thank you, Inga, for all your help!
Suzy Francione
Mesa, Arizona

It's Your Time To Shine

The ability to take care of oneself and one's happiness is an essential part of self-realization. People who can take care of themselves more often achieve their goals and experience greater life satisfaction.

Imagine waking up every morning, looking in the mirror, and genuinely loving the person you see. Envision a life where you no longer feel overwhelmed by the world's demands but instead stand in your power, ready to embrace the day with confidence and vitality.

If We Haven't Met, I am Inga

And my expertise lies in helping you see yourself in a new light.

I have been on a personal journey of self-discovery and search for happiness for the last 25+ years. My continual path of personal and spiritual growth led me to explore the unfathomable depth of the subconscious mind and begin avidly studying psychology, clinical hypnotherapy, and various mindfulness and spiritual practices. 

As a board-certified life coach and clinical hypnotherapist, I have guided countless women in transforming their mindsets and discovering self-love and self-worth. My ultimate goal is to inspire women like yourself to create their best lives by exploring personal development and spirituality in a simple and accessible way.

After years of experiencing self-doubt, low self-esteem, and toxic relationships, I decided to look within for solutions, answers, and self-healing and worked on my relationship with myself. 

I have compiled everything I learned to overcome divorces, single motherhood, depression, anxiety, financial struggles, and limiting beliefs. 
This journey ultimately led me to manifest my soulmate, the abundant life of my dreams, and fill my life with love, harmony, and happiness, maintaining a balanced well-being.

Along the way, I discovered a way of living that allowed me to embrace my authentic self with self-awareness and self-love. 

And now, I want the same for you. I know it is possible, and I am in a position to share my experiences and genuinely assist others. It has become my purpose. 

And this course is your path to achieving it.

If We Haven't Met, 
I am Inga

And my expertise lies in helping you see yourself in a new light.

I have been on a personal journey of self-discovery and search for happiness for the last 25+ years. My continual path of personal and spiritual growth led me to explore the unfathomable depth of the subconscious mind and begin avidly studying psychology, clinical hypnotherapy, and various mindfulness and spiritual practices.

As a board-certified life coach and clinical hypnotherapist, I have guided countless women in transforming their mindsets and discovering self-love and self-worth. My ultimate goal is to inspire women like yourself to create their best lives by exploring personal development and spirituality in a simple and accessible way.

After years of experiencing self-doubt, low self-esteem, and toxic relationships, I decided to look within for solutions, answers, and self-healing and worked on my relationship with myself.

I have compiled everything I learned to overcome divorces, single motherhood, depression, anxiety, financial struggles, and limiting beliefs. This journey ultimately led me to manifest my soulmate, the abundant life of my dreams, and fill my life with love, harmony, and happiness, maintaining a balanced well-being.

Along the way, I discovered a way of living that allowed me to embrace my authentic self with self-awareness and self-love.

And now, I want the same for you. I know it is possible, and I am in a position to share my experiences and genuinely assist others. It has become my purpose.

And this course is your path to achieving it.

Why 'The Art of Embracing YOU' Is Your Ticket to a Fulfilling Life

In this comprehensive program, you'll gain access to scientifically proven holistic tools and knowledge to empower your journey toward embracing a sense of confidence, radiance, and magnetism as you embrace your True Self. Live your life knowing that you are a woman of high value who effortlessly brings out the best in those around you, all without compromising your power or losing sight of yourself. Here's what you can expect:


Uncover the depths of your true self as we guide you through self-assessment exercises, journaling, and an expertly crafted guided imagery session. Discover your values, passions, strengths, and hidden potential. Use self-reflection through journaling to understand the roots of self-doubt and recognize limiting beliefs. Learn your mind's operating processes and how to create fast changes with self-hypnosis and guided imagery. You will:
  • Develop a greater understanding of your own needs, desires, and emotions
  • Through self-reflection exercises and guidance, become more attuned to your inner world, fostering a deeper connection with yourself
  • Become aware of things that distract you from experiencing serenity
  • ​Discover things about yourself that you may need to change or value forever
  • ​Create the first steps to restore your personal power
  • ​Participate in guided exercises and meditation to explore life goals and desires

Your Path to Self-Love

Achieve equilibrium in your life by incorporating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices. Learn to love yourself unconditionally and increase your confidence with proven Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. Boost your self-esteem, banish self-doubt, and radiate confidence with guided meditations. Address body image concerns and learn strategies for cultivating self-acceptance. You will:
  • Learn the prerequisites and barriers to self-love
  • Discover how to stop self-sabotaging yourself
  • ​Set goals to attain balance and improve self-care
  • ​Experience a significant boost to your self-esteem and self-worth as you learn to practice self-love across various dimensions of your life
  • ​Recognize and celebrate your strengths, leading to increased confidence in your abilities
  • ​Learn to love your physical body

Self-Care: De-Stressing and Nurturing Your Mind and Body

Understand the importance of the Mind-Body-Emotions-Spirit connection to nurture well-being, confidence, and self-love. Prioritize your well-being with practical self-care routines that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to boundless energy. Transform your approach to self-care and self-love, and uncover a heightened level of self-confidence that will empower you to embrace your true, lovable, and captivating self. You will:
  • Identify self-critical inner dialogue patterns that help you recognize when self-doubt manifests
  • Reduce self-criticism and cultivate a positive mindset and self-compassion
  • ​Learn NLP techniques to calm your ‘monkey mind'
  • ​Explore the connection between mindful eating, nutrition, and physical well-being
  • ​Discover how joyful movement contributes to self-love and care
  • Establish a sustainable lifestyle of self-nurturing that can lead to improved physical health, reduced stress, and an overall sense of vitality

Self-Care: Nurturing Your Emotions

Understand and effectively manage your emotions, increase your self-awareness, and acknowledge the importance of recognizing and expressing emotions for self-love and emotional health. Cultivate emotional resilience and self-compassion as valuable tools for handling difficult emotions and nurturing self-love. You will:
  • Become more emotionally resilient and develop tools to navigate challenges more easily and maintain a balanced emotional state
  • Release emotional blocks to love and happiness through EFT practices
  • ​Rapidly transform negative emotions into inner peace and calm using easy and simple NLP techniques
  • Use self-compassion as a tool for managing challenging emotions and fostering self-love
  • ​Receive tangible evidence that embracing vulnerability is a powerful pathway to overcoming self-doubt
  • Participate in a generating self-compassion meditation exercise

Balanced YOU: Nurturing Your Spirit and Inner Essence

Discover a stronger sense of authenticity by exploring your spiritual beliefs and practicing mindfulness. Align your actions with your core values, leading to a more genuine and fulfilling life. Rediscover the basics of the Laws of the Universe and Karma, gratitude practices, and their role in cultivating an abundance mindset and manifestations. Learn about your purpose to live a more balanced, harmonious, and fulfilled life. You will:
  • Recognize the importance of spirituality and inner connection for self-love and authenticity
  • Explore various mindfulness and spiritual practices that enhance self-love and connection
  • ​Establish a daily practice of mindfulness, meditation, or prayer to stay true to your values
  • ​Become more appreciative of the present moment and cultivate a positive outlook on your experiences
  • Learn the art of grounding and participate in an activating intuition exercise
  • ​Calculate your numerology number, destiny card, and basic horoscope for deeper self-understanding

Integration: Becoming Your Own Best Friend

Bring it all together as we guide you through integrating these newfound practices into your daily routine. Release the burdens of self-judgment and embrace your flaws as part of your unique beauty. Free yourself from the chains of perfectionism and find peace in acceptance. Watch as your life transforms before your eyes. You will:
  • Recognize wonderful qualities in yourself. From that perspective, identify what you want in life and your relationship
  • Learn to recognize codependency in relationships and create self-awareness and self-sufficiency
  • Experience improved relationships as you address fears of abandonment and vulnerability. By cultivating self-love, you'll enter relationships from a place of self-assuredness, leading to healthier connections built on mutual respect and understanding
  • ​Become more empowered to set boundaries, say no when needed, and make choices that align with your personal growth
  • Craft your personal self-love and self-care plan. Create personalized self-care routines using self-care vision board tool
  • Learn strategies for overcoming obstacles to self-love,  maintaining a consistent self-care practice, and celebrating small victories and progress along your self-love journey
"A few sessions of hypnotherapy and mindful life coaching later, it’s more than a year, and my current state of peace has not changed. It makes me happy, and I am grateful for such an opportunity that came along!"
For many years, I have experienced the feeling of unexplained worry that bothered me on a daily basis. When Inga told me how she could help me, I was very skeptical, if not to say cynical. One day, I asked myself if I wanted to continue taking prescription drugs for anxiety or if I should try an unconventional holistic approach that potentially could help me. I literally got rid of my state of worry after one guided imagery session with Inga. 
Irina B
Phoenix, Arizona

Included Bonuses 
That Elevate Your Experience

To sweeten the deal, we're offering you six exclusive bonuses:

Guided Meditation and Self-Hypnosis Library:

A $497 VALUE!
Find tranquility and inner peace with our soothing guided meditation recordings focused on self-love, confidence, stress reduction, weight management, balance, achieving goals, and other relevant themes. 

Custom Destiny Cards Report:

A $55 VALUE!
Receive two personal Destiny Cards reports (choose from Life Time, Love and Relationship, or Yearly Report) to foster in-depth discovery about yourself to help you understand your past, present, and future, cycles of your life, life’s path, relationship, and purpose.

10 Self-Discovery Workbooks and Worksheets:

A $197 VALUE!
Document your insights and progress with our carefully designed worksheets and a workbook on mindset, self-love, work-life balance, lifestyle design, self-care, and manifestation.

Manifestation Mastery: Attract Success & Love with Feng Shui Vision Board e-Course:

A $197 VALUE!
Create a vision board based on Feng Shui principles and work with the subconscious mind to manifest abundance, career success, and a loving relationship.

Self-Love Journal:

A $25 VALUE!
This beautifully designed digital self-love journal contains prompts and exercises for self-reflection, gratitude, and tracking self-love practices to enhance the self-discovery process.

Private Facebook Group Access:

A $197 VALUE!
Connect with like-minded women on the same journey as you for support and encouragement.

Total Value: $1,665

Summary Of What You Get In The Program

  Six 90-minute Live Coaching classes delivered via Zoom over six weeks

  Lifetime access to the recorded program videos for you to review and practice anytime

  Copies of the slides for each of the lessons

  10 Self-Discovery Workbooks and Worksheets

  Guided Meditation and Self-Hypnosis Library

  Self-Love Journal

  Two personal Destiny Cards reports

  'Cultivating an Abundance Mindset' e-Course

  Private Facebook Group Access

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are confident that our program will change your life. If, after the second week of the program, you don't feel this is the right fit for you, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are confident that our course will change your life. If, after two weeks, you don't feel this is the right fit for you, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
"Inga is amazing; she hits the issue on the head and then gives you the lightbulb moment you need to help overcome it."
I signed up for hypnotherapy and love relationship coaching program, and I have not been disappointed with the results. Think it changes; it has helped me with several things; it provides quick, targeted solutions and a first-class and continuing support system.
Olga Abbas
Phoenix, Arizona

Frequently Asked Questions

How many live coaching sessions are included?

6 Live Coaching classes delivered via Zoom over six weeks on Thursdays at 4 PM MST (6 PM EST). Each class consists of 1 hour of coaching + 30 minutes for Q & A.

Would I get lifetime access?

Yes! The program will be recorded, and you will get lifetime access to the program videos to review and practice anytime you want. Each class will be accessible in your member account 24-48 hours after recording, so if you missed a class, you could watch its recording then.

Who is this program for?

This program is designed for busy women seeking work-life balance, breaking free from persistent self-doubt, and fostering unshakable self-love and authenticity. This will lead you to confident decision-making, deep, meaningful connections, and a harmonious, fulfilled life where personal well-being and success in your personal and professional life are perfectly balanced.

What kind of support is included?

During the program, you will receive guidance and support from Inga Tara to take meaningful actions and have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of its principles and practices and incorporate them into your life. Your fellow participants in the program will provide valuable feedback and thoughtful insights through a dedicated Facebook group. We create a safe, supportive space where you can open up at your own pace. You won't be alone in this; our community of like-minded women is here to offer encouragement and understanding. Being vulnerable is a powerful step towards self-love, and we'll guide you through it.

Would there be any homework? How much time would I need to invest?

To fully benefit from this program, it is suggested that you put aside at least 30 minutes each day. I encourage 'home-play' exercises, including journaling, if you are willing to do them. These exercises empower you to take ownership of your healing journey and enable you to integrate your learning and practice skills to make the changes you want in your day-to-day life, fostering self-love and achieving a happy life. This time will also be devoted to self-care and enjoyable and imaginative activities that can uplift you throughout your lifetime.

What if I can't find the time to commit to a 6-week program? I'm a busy woman with a packed schedule. 

I hear you, and I understand how hectic life can be. Techniques and exercises in this program only take about 20-30 minutes a day to complete. You probably spend more time scrolling through social media comparing yourself to influencers and models (not the best for your self-esteem, by the way). Finding a few minutes a day to gift to yourself would result in way more benefits for you… Yes, commitment can be intimidating. That's why our program is designed to keep you engaged and excited throughout. Each week brings new insights and progress, making it easier to stay committed. Plus, our supportive community ensures you're never alone in this journey.

How is this program different? I've tried self-help programs before, and they didn't work for me.

I get it; it's important to be discerning. What sets 'The Art of Embracing YOU' apart is its holistic approach and the combination of expert techniques like hypnotherapy, NLP, and EFT. This program isn't about empty promises; it's about providing you with practical tools and guidance that are proven to work. We've seen countless women like you experience remarkable changes. And maybe it sounds cliché, but if I can do it - you can do it too. We are all starting somewhere, and now is an excellent time to start.

Can I afford this program?

We've made sure to price the program reasonably, considering the incredible value you'll receive. When you invest in 'The Art of Embracing YOU,' you're investing in your well-being, confidence, and happiness. It is an investment in your future and the best way to use your hard-earned dollars that will continue to pay dividends for the rest of your life. Instead of spending $8 a day in Starbucks drinking your calories, invest in yourself for a change! What is the transformation of becoming confident and loving yourself worth to you? Priceless!

What are your guarantees?

We are confident that our program will change your life. If, after the second week of the program, you don't feel this is the right fit for you, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Copyright © 2023 Inga Tara. All Rights Reserved.
© 2023 Inga Tara. All Rights Reserved.